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Culture evening in Faaborg - Bell Tower


08.05 Carillon from the Tower: Morning has gold in its mouth

09.00 Flags are set from the bell tower lantern

10.05 a.m. Chimes from the tower: Awakening

12.05 pm Chimes from the Tower: Here comes the Sun

14.05 Chimes from the Tower: Rondo Carillon

15.05 Chimes from the Tower: Where smiles fair the Danish coast

16.05 Chimes from the Tower: Now the day is full of song

17.00 - 19.00: The bell tower opens with the opening of the summer art exhibition:
Grethe Tingkær, paintings
Karen Tholle, paintings
Thilde Bjørn, ceramics

19.05: Lively summer tones from the chimes: Summer Suite 1

20.05: Lively summer tones from The Chimes: Summer Suite 2

8.15 pm:
About half an hour of narration by former parish priest Einar Fog-Nielsen: "The significance of the bell tower for Faaborg over the last 500 years".
which ends with a tour and story on the 2 ceilings, where the big bells are activated at approx. 21.00.

21.05: Delightful summer tones from the chimes: Now fields and meadows are resting

At 22.05: Lively summer tones from the glockenspiel: Summer Suite 3

22.10: The Bell Tower closes for visitors and the flags from the Tower's lantern are taken down.

Admission to the Bell Tower is free from 17.00 - 22.00

Organisers: Friends of the Bell Tower.


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