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Guided tour of the Dyssekilde Eco-community

Join an exciting guided tour in the organic village Dyssekilde by Torup.

Join a tour of the organic village Dyssekilde and learn more about life in the village, how it originated, and how it has developed.

Visit the Eco-village

Every year, thousands of Danish and foreign guests visit the eco-village Dyssekilde, or simply ØD as the village is called in everyday language. You also have the opportunity to join a guided tour or explore on your own - stay on the gravel roads. If you walk around on your own, you can advantageously download a brochure that marks where the public paths are located.

Guided tours

Guided tours are available every other Saturday in odd weeks at 11:15 am from March to October. Departure from the info wall at the parking lot. It costs DKK 50 and lasts about an hour and a half. Along the way, you will see the whole village and learn about how the houses are built and heated, how the town started, and how it has developed into an "eco-village."

Shop & Eatery

ØD also offers the opportunity to shop in the village store Taraxacum, where there is also the opportunity to eat at the associated Torup Eatery, which serves food made from local organic ingredients.

For groups

Groups of more than ten people are kindly requested to contact us directly by email at dyssekilderundvisning@gmail.com. You can also book a private tour at the time that suits you best. Read more at www.dyssekilde.dk. In addition to the guided tours, ØD offers many exciting events every year, including a movement festival and an organic music festival at www.himmelstorm.dk.

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