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Gulstav Mose - Åbent Tårn

Join us at the Open Tower in the nature reserve Gulstav Mose

Sunday 4 August 2024, 10 am - 12 pm

Birdwatching at Gulstav. The marsh is bustling with life here before the big bird migration begins. This year's brood of starlings and swallows are busy looking for food for their long journeys south. The wading bird migration is underway and the terns have turned their beaks southwards.

Any changes will appear on the bog's Facebook page the day before.

Participation is free and registration is not required.

Meeting point: Bird Tower, Gulstavvej 20, Bagenkop
Tour leader: Fugleværnsfondens frivillige arbejdsgruppe v/Børge L. Rasmussen (Tel. 22216020

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