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Læsø Mejeri, Cafe & Vinbar

Læsø Mejeri, Cafe & Vinbar

Læsø Mejeri, Cafe & Wine Bar is the perfect place to enjoy a well-deserved break.

Centrally located in the former dairy building in the heart of Byrum, Læsø Mejeri, Cafe, and Wine Bar offers plenty of space both indoors and outdoors. As soon as the sun shines, happy guests gather to enjoy some cozy cafe moments, a cup of coffee, a cake, and some light snacks, and not least a good glass of wine or beer. The assortment includes traditional beer as well as a wide selection of exciting craft beers from both Danish and international breweries.

From café food to local delicacies.

Læsø Mejeri, Cafe og bar – jomfruhummere fra Læsø

The menu changes regularly according to the availability of ingredients, the mood of the kitchen staff, and the taste of the guests. There are both regular favorites and occasional specialties. And then there is one of the major attractions for everyone, regardless of nationality, namely a large serving of super fresh local langoustines. Yes, you can fortunately get them in many places on Læsø, but it's no secret that Peder is widely known for being one of the best at achieving the perfect salt balance and cooking time!

Wine bar with an accompanying cellar...

Læsø Mejeri, Cafe og bar – vinbar

The wine bar is part of the name, and for good reason. Peder Nielsen himself has a background as a vineyard worker in places like Portugal and Switzerland, and at the back of the shop, there is a staircase leading down to Peder’s wine cellar, where you can buy exciting wines, arrange wine tastings, and not least, fetch supplies for the guests.
And just a warning: if you get Peder talking about grape varieties, cultivation, terroir, harvest, fermentation, and aging, you’re in for it:-)

Music is a must...

Læsø Mejeri, Cafe og bar – jomfruhummere fra Læsø

Throughout the summer, there is ongoing musical or other entertainment for guests on the cozy terrace - often featuring local acts.

An active part of the local life...

Læsø Mejeri, Cafe og bar – Læsø Rundt

Læsø Mejeri, Cafe, and Wine Bar is a natural and active part of the bustling Mejeritorv in Byrum, where it shares the space with Læsø Museum House, Læsøshoppen, Læsø Wool Room, and the thrift shop. Together, they organize a range of activities throughout the year, both large and small. One of the major events is the Læsø Rundt cycling race, where several hundred fitness enthusiasts on both expensive road racers and old bikes share the joy of a tour around Læsø. Naturally, Læsø Mejeri, Cafe, and Wine Bar participates in the event and is delighted with the great turnout.

Læsø Mejeri, Cafe, and Wine Bar has plenty of space inside and outside, and it is also possible to rent the premises for a private event - contact Peder for further arrangements: pedernielsench@hotmail.com

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