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Life by the Fjord

Follow the three different tracks on your way through the exhibition. The author track, material track and children's track are all adapted to all ages, but offer different narratives.

‘Life at the Fjord’ is a spectacular, newly interpreted arrangement of the ancient history of Denmark and ancient life on Randers Fjord.

It is a modern exhibition that uses visualisation and interactive technology to rethink the way that a museum communicates cultural history. In the exhibit one can experience some of the most fantastic Danish archaeological finds.

There is a Stone Age find from the world-renowned Mejlgaard kitchen midden, as well as unique and beautiful gold jewellery from the Iron Age. One can also meet the woman from the bog, The Auning Woman, whose 2,000-year-old outfit is exceptionally well preserved. One can also decode the mysterious runes on the interactive rune stone from Viking times.

‘Life at the Fjord’ looks at ancient times with new eyes. This appeals to everyone who would like to have a different encounter with ancient peoples. The exhibition is full of experiences for all the senses. At the same time there’s the opportunity to immerse oneself in history and learn about the science behind cultural history.

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