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Action House - Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has revolutionized the gaming world and allowed players to step into a whole new world. With VEX Adventure, the gaming experience has become even wilder and more exciting! It is the world's leading and best VR system that allows players to cooperate and compete with up to six players. Experience it at Action House in Løkken!

For families with children, there is a game where you have to collect diamonds, and with moon games you can now also use your hands to explore and interact with the virtual world. If you are more into challenges and action, you can try the exciting escape room game Lunar Escape or the zombie game, where you have 24 minutes to complete the entire experience.

With VEX Adventure, you get a total experience where you can feel, hear and smell everything around you, and you can even experience wind and heat. It's like being in a completely different world, and the only limits are the imagination.

You can also sit on your own couch with a cold beer and laugh at the other players while they explore the virtual world. And with continuous new games and upgrades, there is always something new to experience. So if you want a completely unique gaming experience, VEX Adventure at Action House is the right choice.

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