Bats Spot in Sæby
Visit one of Vendsyssel's very best places to experience bats - only 100 meters from Sæby Torv.
Sæby Å is one of the best areas for water bat. This is because there are many old and hollow trees close to the water, so the bats have the best conditions for finding both food and shelter.
There are 17 species of bats in Denmark, and you can find 4 of the species at Sæby Å: Water Bats, Dwarf Bats, South Bats and North Bats.
Here at Sæby Å, Frederikshavn Municipality has now established a dissemination platform where you can experience and learn more about bats as well as listen to them with an audio binoculars that translate their screams into sounds that the human ear can also hear. There are also several interactive buttons you can press and get more knowledge about bats in both Danish and English.
The place is a green oasis where you can relax and enjoy the beautiful views during the day and in the evening watch the bats chase insects along the water in the river.
The best season to see bats is from April to September, and most optimally at dusk.