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Chenillen in Skovsgård

Købmandsgaarden started back in 1983 with the idea of helping to strengthen and develop life in the local community.

In 2013, we took over Jysk Chenille factory, where pipe cleaners, Easter chickens and Santa Clauses had been produced for a number of years.

Today, the factory forms the framework for a socio-economic enterprise and thus a meaningful workplace for vulnerable young people and the mentally handicapped.

Pipe cleaner production has passed, but Chenille still exudes good energy and creativity, and Chenille's kitchen is the heart of the factory.

In the kitchen, all meals are prepared for everyday life, and baked and pickled.

Work is focused on daily health, on the use of good local ingredients, on ecology and on reducing food waste.

The kitchen has the bronze mark in ecology and all our products are made with heart and value.

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