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Den Kreative Have

In the idyllic village of Haldrup you find this Japanese-inspired open garden with streams, lakes, cosy seating areas and a vast number of topiaries. Enjoy the sight of the tame Koi carps and visit the gallery where the colourful paintings of the owner are exhibited.

Denmark’s most beautiful garden

Twice, The Creative Garden has been named Denmark’s most beautiful garden. And when you walk around the 4,250 m2 garden, you understand why. The large, hilly garden is landscaped with an impressive sense of detail and you feel transported to Japan when you look at the many beautifully formed trees and bushes and the Asian-inspired buildings designed and built by the owner of the garden.

The garden aims to be a place with room for tranquillity and immersion – inspired by the Japanese meditation garden.

The garden has a total of 50 different trees that are shaped according to the Japanese bonsai art form. In addition, you will find 50 Japanese maples and a host of colourful shrubs that help add colour to the garden.


The large carp

Two rippling streams flow through the garden and end in two lakes with carp and goldfish. The large, tame Koi carps are popular with children.


Enjoy a quiet moment in the beautiful pagodas

The garden has four homemade Japanese pagodas which are equipped with chairs, tables and benches where you can relax. The garden has four home-made Japanese pagodas equipped with chairs, tables and benches where you can relax. Absolutely perfect if you need to wind down.


Gallery Haldrup

In the grounds, you can also visit Gallery Haldrup where the owner, John Andersen, exhibits his art. His colourful paintings range from the abstract to the naturalistic. John also works with three-dimensional paintings where he uses tools such as metal wire and nets in a unique way to create depth in the images.


Around Horsens Fjord

A visit to the garden The Creative Garden is an obvious stop on the popular bicycle ride around Horsens Fjord that also includes a trip on the small bicycle ferry connecting the islands Alrø and Hjarnø. Get more inspiration for experiences at Horsens Fjord here.

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