Elsinore - the old part of town
Helsingør/Elsinore has one of Europe's best preserved historical town centers, thanks to far-sighted conservation people in the municipality in the 1960s and 70s. In few other cities so many beautifully restored houses can be seen, in architectural styles ranging from the 15thcentury up to present time.
When the Sound Due (1427–1857) was introduced by King Erik of Pomerania, Helsingør rapidly developed from a small fishing hamlet to a regular market town with solid brick houses and a magnificent castle. For more than 400 years Helsingør was an international town – even Shakespeare heard about it!
Most likely, King Erik back in the 14thcentury was responsible for the town-plan which still can be seen today in the old part of Helsingør. A perfect grid consisting of 3 streets parallel to the coastline and 4 streets placed at right angles onto them. Only the cathedral Sct. Olai doesn’t fit in – because it origins from the 12thcentury.