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Fishing in river Gudenå and Hansted Stream

Kystlandet offers good conditions for all types of fishing, including good chances of getting a catch in the many streams that characterize the area. With a fishing license to Gudenå or Hansted River, you can look forward to great nature experiences, peace and quiet, and a good stock of sea trout, river trout, and pike.

Your access to fishing in streams in Kystlandet

Kystlandet has good conditions for fishing in lakes, at the coast, In the fjords, and in the streams. Fishing in streams. Fishing in streams is different from other types of fishing – both in terms of the type of nature and the fish species. It is a significantly relaxing feeling to stand next to the purling stream waiting patiently for a catch. There is also a good chance to spot animals such as kingfisher, swallows, and deer. One aspect that makes people restrain from fishing in streams is that it can be difficult to find out which fishing union owns the right to the waters, and where to buy the fishing license.

The local fishing union, Horsens og Omegns Sportsfiskerforening, owns the right to fishing in a series of streams around Horsens. Some of these are reserved for members, but a part of the Gudenå and Hansted Stream is accessible for the public, and you can buy access for a day or a week.

You can buy access to fishing for a day or a week for the following stretches:



Gudenå is Denmark’s longest stream and its only river. You can buy access to fishing on this stretch around Denmark’s biggest wetland, Uldum Marsh. The stretch starts at the bridge in the village Aale, goes through Uldum Marsh, and ends at the area known as the world’s end (Verdens Ende). There are many spots that are well-suited for fishing, and you can park either in Aale or the parking lot in Uldum Marsh. The stream has everything that you can expect on this stretch. The current is calm, there are many curves, deep holes, and stretches of low water. You can catch grayling, river trout, sea trout, and pike.

NB: The grayling is preserved on this stretch and must be rereleased upon catch. You are urged to release trouts as well.

You can purchase a fishing license to this stretch of the Gudenå on this page.


Great Hansted Stream (Store Hansted Å)

Great Hansted Stream is located north of Horsens and passes close by the prison museum (FÆNGSLET) where the stream meets the nature area Nørrestrand. The stream is quite calm on the southernmost part of the stream. Here, you have an opportunity to get close to sea trouts, river trouts, and pike. Sea trout fishing is best here July-November on days after rainfall. There are plenty of fish in the stream.

The season is March/November. It is possible to park on the street Skanderborgvej at a lay by near the stream. From here you can enter the forest Løvhøj and fish here. The fishing license allows you to fish between Skanderborgvej and Egebjergvej.

You can book a fishing license for Hansted Stream on this page.


Become a member of Horsens og Omegns Sportsfiskerforening

Members of Horsens og Omegns Sportsfiskerforening get access to fishing in many other streams and parts of the Gudenå. The fishing union owns the right to 40 kilometres of bank. As a member you support the union’s work on stream restoration and release of fish. The club also organizes activities and events that you can attend.


Remember the Danish fishing license

Everyone who fishes in Denmark must have a valid national fishing license. In other words, it is not enough to have the license from the local fishing union. You can buy the national license that gives you access to fishing everywhere in Denmark on this page.

Also check out our guide to fishing in streams in Kystlandet where you can find information about other accessible streams in the area as well as rules.

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