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Haslev Biograf

Haslev Bio is a local cinema with the latest sound and technique, with the 99 comfortable seats in one hall the cinema has, there really is room for coziness. The cinema's buildings and the actual operation of the equipment are owned by Faxe Municipality but the company Haslev Bio is independently operated by Sisse Labuz Andersen. She started renting the cinema in September 2018 and is always ready for new initiatives as a self-employed in the small cinema.

In Haslev Bio, in addition to the latest films, you will also find everything your stomach desires, ranging from vitamin water, juice, spring water and soft drinks, to even sweets, chips, chocolate and warm freshly made popcorn.

Though it is a small movie theater with just 99 seats, it can do much more than just give good movie experiences. Here you will see premiere with well-known actors, there are live music evenings, knitting bio, baby bio, lectures with big and small names, opera, ballet, senior events, school in the cinema.

The cinema is fully used from morning to late evening, all year round.
From early morning there can be schools as well as kindergartens enjoying the cinema and from the afternoon and until the evening, all the big movies run.

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