Hirtshals Transport Center
Hirtshals Transport Center is located at a perfect distance from the highway, the ferries and Hirtshals center. Take advantage of the many opportunities they offer, both private and for business.
At Hirtshals Transport Center many truckdrivers use the centers facilities daily. Such facilities are chauffeur lounge, toilet- and bath facilities and custom service.
Color Line, Fjord Line and Smyril Line are also represented in the center, where they handle cargo expeditions and ticket sale for trucks.
For other private drivers the center is a service and welcome center where you arrive directly from the roundabout by E39. Here you will find facilities such as Go’on gas station, car wash, the boarder shop Last Stop Shop, a small shop with café "Steffs Place.
The center offers long-term parking for cars, auto campers and camping vans. Here you have the option to purchase additional facilities as electricity, water and emptying of water and chemical toilets.
All areas are video monitored.
At the center you can also rent a conference room. Read more here.
For more information about Hirtshals Transport Center, click here.