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The Kierkegaard Jar by Peter Brandes

The artist Peter Brandes created the Kierkegaard Jar with inspiration from Søren Kierkegaard's communion speeches.

The Kierkegaard Jar by the visual artist Peter Brandes rises before you like a tower of statements, a biblical pictorial poem with three main motifs: two faces and a full figure: One face, the largest, is an attempt to depict the face of Christ, while the other, smaller one on the opposite side reflects the mourning features of Virgin Mary on Good Friday in Jerusalem. The figure is a representation of Christ as the shepherd carrying a lamb.

The new jar is the artist's 10th piece in large format. It can be seen at Dansk Industri's course property Gl. Vindinge near Nyborg. It is the largest single burnt object to date - in the whole world. The weight is 9000 kilos and the height 5.20 meters. The jar was created at Tommerup Keramiske Værksted, just like the previous sky-aspiring jars by Brandes.

The above text is an translated extract from an the article by Kristeligt Dagblad.

How to find the jar

The Kierkegaard Jar is displayed at Gl. Vindinge Course and Conference Center on Gamle Vindingevej in Nyborg. If you are on foot or by bike, we encourage you to use the beautiful path "behind" Gl. Vindinge. The path is a disused railway to Svendborg (discontinued in 1964). The path runs along Holckenhavn Fjord between Nyborg Vindinge. Follow part of cycle route 8/hiking route "Rød Kløversti". Feel free to walk along the paths into the area to the jar.

Enjoy the view of the beautiful meadow with butterfly-friendly plants, planted by Gl. Vindinge. The area is not only beautiful but also supports surrounding nature.

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