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The Little Belt

The Little Belt is both narrow and very deep. The Little Belt winds its way as a large S between Middelfart and Fredericia. The winding course was formed by a glacier during the last ice age. The narrowest point is just 1 km wide. The widest point is 15 km across. 

One of the deepest places in Denmark is "Hundedybet" in the Little Belt with 80 metres from the surface to the bottom. From north to south in the Little Belt “Tragten” (the Funnel) is passed, which is the local designation of the entrance to the Belt between Strib, Skanseodde and the harbour of Fredericia.

The special currents
The powerful convergence of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea creates strong currents. This is where fresh water from the Baltic Sea meets salt water from Kattegat.
Taking in the view of the Little Belt from the shore, it is obvious how the current whirls the water in all directions – it is very fascinating.

The Nature of the Little Belt
Along the shore you will find green beech forest and steep cliffs, which continue beneath the surface of the sea creating ideal conditions for many kinds of plant and animal life and assuring fantastic nature experiences.

The beautiful Fænøsund is the frame surrounding the Hindsgavl Peninsula on one side and Snoghøj on the other, which both are nature experiences in them selves, from the landside as well as the waterside.

The Little Belt - a mecca for water sports
The Little Belt offers great opportunities for experiences water sports, such as:
Whale Watching and boat trips 
Stand Up Paddling

Try out our experience booking with a large amount of holiday experiences available.

Be aware of the porpoises when sailing in Little Belt

When sailing in the Little Belt Nature Park, you should pay attention to the biodiversity of the belt. You can read more about how to take care of the Little Belt's small residents, the special porpoises, in the Nature Park Little Belt's code of conduct 'Noise and Porpoises'. Find it here!

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