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Multi Park in Jerslev

Welcome to Jerslev Multi Park - A park for every outdoor occasion! 

Jerslev Multi Park offers a multiflex field, athletics and panna fields, different interactive activities, a well-reputed parkour facility, a skating field and Denmark's largest outdoor classroom.


Multiflex Field

The multiflex field is perfect for ball games such as soccer, volley and hockey. The field is free to use for members of JSI, while other clubs can book the field for 400 DKK. 


Athletics and Panna Fields

There is a running track for running disciplines, high jumping and long jumps as well as panna fields for small children or for older children to practice their techniques and dribbling.


Interactive Play and Learning

The Multi Park offers different integrated playing- and learning areas, where the user via tablet or phone can connect and start different games and activities that integrate light, sound and more for a great learning experience.


Parkour Facility

The parkour field is among the best in the region - if not in the country.


Skating Field

The skating field can, as well as the rest of the Multi Park, be used by everyone.


Danmark's largest outdoor classroom

The outdoor classroom encourages to integrate physical activity and fresh air into the learning environment.

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