Green Experience
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Entreprenante Claus Meyer har sammen med to andre kokke åbnet restaurant Radio på Vesterbro, som ligger tæt på Søerne og over for det smukke gamle radiohus. Her kan du få økologisk og nordisk mad. 

Entrepreneurial Claus Meyer, along with two other chefs, opened Restaurant Radio in Copenhagen, close to the Lakes and the beautiful old Broadcasting House. Here you can get organic and Nordic food.

Restaurant Radio gets its vegetables from two hectares of land located outside Copenhagen. For twenty years, the fields have been cultivated organically. It is the more than 80 different crops that make up the restaurant's vegetables.

Nordic cuisine

At Radio, the focus is on organic and Nordic cuisine. Cereals and pulses are coming from Per Grupe's fields by Mørdrupgaard, and the fruit is delivered fresh from Lilleø several times a week.

All the raw materials at Radio are organic, some of the meat is delivered from hunters on Lolland, and the fish are caught by local fishermen.

Taste the Nordic cuisine at Radio and have a taste experience beyond the usual. Reservation is required.

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