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Rav Huset in Thyborøn

The Rav Huset (Amber museum) in Thyborøn is a combined amber grinding mill, mini-museum and amber jewelery shop.

The amber collection is amber found by the North Sea by the well-known Rav-Aage and his son, Rav Huset's current owner, Bjarne Hansen.

See many works by Rav-Aage and Bjarne when you visit the museum: The many beautiful amber trees and "amber houses" which are faithful copies of both artists' birth homes.

In the shop you can buy amber jewelery and amber trees as a wonderful souvenir from your visit to Thyborøn.

You can have a personal piece of jewelery made from your own amber find - sanded by Bjarne Hansen, who also makes repairs of amber jewelery by appointment.


More than just amber

In Ravhuset you will also find an exhibition with maritime things, which originate from fishing, Stone Age finds and much more.

Go exploring in the cozy courtyard after signs with wise words and small fun objects.

You are welcome to enjoy your brought food in the courtyard - there is room for up to 12 people.

The owner, Bjarne Hansen, is happy to tell about the collections and stories about the local area.


Opening hours:

The Amber House is open during the tourist season or by appointment. Contact Bjarne Hansen on mobile (+45)2168 6598.

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