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Shelters i en park i Visby

Shelters are usually something that belongs in nature. But in Visby you can spend the night in a shelter in the middle of a park.

Hidden between tall trees in Visby Park is Pastor Møller's Shelterplads, which consists of three shelters with room for four to six people, and which are located around a small campfire.

Pastor Møller's Garden was laid out in the 1920s by Pastor Niels Møller and his wife Christine, but the park is today owned by Tønder Municipality and maintained and looked after mainly by local enthusiasts. The shelter site has been created in collaboration between Visby Local Council, the YMCA scouts in Visby and other volunteers with financial support from Tønder Municipality and the Nordea Foundation.

The shelter site has a fire pit, but firewood may not be collected in the park, so you can buy firewood, which is delivered no later than 18 on the same day you have the first night. There is also a water point and toilets and a car park fifty meters away.

The shelters in the park can be booked for DKK 35 per person. night per person on "Book a shelter", but only two of the three shelters can be booked, as the last one is reserved for locals.

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