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Skallerup Strand, Skallerup Klit, Lønstrup

Skallerup Strand offers the opportunity to activities, hiking and beach fishing.

The beach at Skallerup Klit offers fine bathing conditions. The beach at Skallerup Klit lies in connection with a row of groyne by the resort. The bathing conditions are fine, and you should not fear the dark sand. This is because of the minerals in the ocean on this coast. The beach is ideal for activities and hikes and here are good opportunities for fishing by the beach.

The coast on the north and south of Lønstrup is eroded by the ocean. If there is a storm from the vest, huge amounts of sand are flushed away with the current towards the north. By Lønstrup and Skallerup Seaside there are coastal protection but south and north for these move the coast yearly 1 meter or 2 towards east.   

The sand at Skallerup is special and it is also called heavysand. It has a very dark color, which is because it contains iron minerals along the coast. People may think it contains oil and is polluted, however this is not the case and hence it is not dangerous.

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