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Ærø Fisk

Ærø Fisk provides you with fresh cod for New Year's Eve, curry herring for the Easter table and fjord prawns for a beautiful summer's day.

The forces behind Ærø Fisk are local islander Henning and his fishing boat SG 15 Betina, which is based in Marstal Harbour.

From around Easter until December, the two of them sail out to catch fresh fish and shellfish for resale from the shop in Kirkestræde, directly from the harbour or from Henning's fish truck.

In addition to fresh Ærø fish, Henning has also conjured up a delicious Ærø herring in different flavours with Ærø beer as a flavouring. You can buy them at Den Gamle Købmandsgaard in Ærøskøbing and at Ærøpigen in Marstal.

Also, keep an eye on Ærø Fisk's Facebook page, where exciting events such as Sjus & Skaldyr (Drinks & Seafood) and Østersbar (Oyster Bar) pop up from time to time.

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