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Aggershøj Pensionat

In Marstal you will find the old sailors' widows' home Aggershøj Pensionat from 1908. Line & Carsten welcome you, and a stay here offers local produce and a homely atmosphere.

In Marstal, you'll find the fine old seamen's widow's home Aggershøj from 1908.

When you arrive at the beautiful Aggershøj Pensionat with a fountain in the front garden and small spires and roof towers, you will immediately sense the atmosphere and the wings of time.

As part of your stay, your hosts Line and Carsten will provide a delicious breakfast with local produce from the island.

Part of the experience is that they have taken great care to ensure that you sleep well in the cosy rooms, but also that the main house is like a home and the garden a place where you want to sit down and relax.

A stay with Line and Carsten at Aggershøj Pensionat is well-being for both body and soul.

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