©  Photo:

Annette Fuhr

The Nordics are a great inspiration for artist Annette Fuhr.

Annette Fuhr is a visual artist with graphics and painting as her main field. Since she made her debut in 1993 at the Artists' Easter Exhibition in Aarhus, symbolism and the inherent power of nature and man has been what has driven her motivation to create images.

In the last decade, Fuhr has been inspired by the Nordic spirit of nature. At Kerteminde Fjord, where she lives now, in those surroundings there is much of that spirit, she experiences. On the opposite side, the Ladby ship is at anchor and with her interest in Viking ship sailing, her curiosity about Old Norse signs and symbols was created.

"When I'm in my best flow, my dreams and the symbols created in another consciousness flow together and become strong contemporary messages", says Annette Fuhr.

At a time when there is a lot of talk about climate change and man's impact on the ecosystem, we need to be reminded of the inherent power of nature and man.

Open studio

There is a regularly open studio, where all interested parties are welcome. The sign is posted to the road when it is open.

By contacting Annette Fuhr via artfuhr@gmail.com, you can also book workshop visits and exhibitions. This applies both to art associations, galleries and private customers.

When art associations come to visit, coffee and cake can be ordered by appointment. It is served on the terrace or in the cozy studio house, depending on what the weather invites.


• Fyns Grafiske Værksted: www.fynsgv.dk
• KUFA - Kunstnernes Fagforening
• KKART: www.kkart.dk

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