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The archipelago trail: Svendborg - Broholm - Lundeborg

This section of the Archipelago Trail is 35 km long and starts in the beautiful town of Svendborg before guiding you through the scenic area all the way up to Lundeborg.

The hiking trail, starting in the charming market town of Svendborg, takes you through the areas of Christiansminde and Weber, further through Gammel Hestehave with its uncultivated soil and high concentration of Bronze Age burial mounds, up the tunnel valley of Vejstrup Ådal with its muddy sides and dense vegetation of deciduous trees, to the town of Vejstrup. It's worth noting the impressive granite block bridge in Vejstrup, which carries the highway over Vejstrup Å.

From Vejstrup, you are led past Vejstrup Watermill, which has previously served as both a water mill and a grain mill but is now used for exhibitions, where much of the old mill equipment can also be seen. From here, the journey continues up through Vejstrup Ådal to Klingstrup and further through the agricultural landscape to Broholm, where Esben Snare's great-grandson Absalon Johnsen once owned the beautiful estate with its wide moats.

At Broholm, you walk along Tange Å and past Hesselagergård, whose main building was originally constructed by Johan Friis. After a period of civil war in Denmark, Friis had the building's walls made to be no less than one meter thick on the front and two meters thick on the back. Following this impressive structure, the route takes you through Tange Ådal, through forests and meadows, and out to the coast and up to Lundeborg, from where you have a view of the Great Belt Bridge.

You can follow this part of the route on the Geoparkens App, which you can download from both the App Store and Google Play.

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