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Art Walk in the Canal District

Take an art walk in Fredericia's new district, Kanalbyen, and discover the area's amazing artworks.

Art-based tour in the Canal District

Combine exercise with culture on the new art tour, and discover Kanalbyen’s amazing art. Kanalbyen is a new canal district in Fredericia, located in Fredericia's old harbour area.

Art has been an integral element in the new development, helping to beautify and enhance the district’s unique character. So far, Kanalbyen contains five different works of art, all made especially for the place where they are located, and all of which can be experienced on this special tour.

Did you know that Canal District also has an architectural walk? Read more about the architectural walk here!

About the art tour in Kanalbyen

The art tour is a walk that takes you past all the works of art in Kanalbyen. The walk is about 1.8 km long and takes place outside, so comfortable shoes and weather-appropriate clothing are recommended. The last artwork is a digital sound work, so remember to also bring headphones! The art tour comes with a written guide so that you can read more about the artworks and reflect on the works as you experience them. The guide also includes a map of the route itself.

You can view and download the guide as a pdf via the blue button on the right or via this link! You can also follow the guide online via your smartphone here!

The five works of art

The art tour takes you past the five artworks below:

  1. Hydra
  2. På Bedding
  3. Kajens Grammatik
  4. Det vi ikke ved det ved vi ikke
  5. Radio Sfæren Søndervold (bring headphones!)

The artworks are spread out over the harbour area between buildings, in Fredericia's new nature park and on the quay. The Hydra artwork is even a building in itself. Kanalbyen has been working with the Danish Arts Foundation since 2017 to integrate art into the urban space of the new district, and the above works are also part of this collaboration.

The aim is for Kanalbyen to eventually accommodate more works of art as the district develops and for the art tour to lengthen accordingly. The art tour was previously known as Artwalk.

Kanalbyen: Urban development at Fredericia Harbour

Kanalbyen is a new district in the former docks at Fredericia Harbour. The name comes from the newly constructed canals that run through the district. Although the canals are new, the idea of Fredericia as a canal town is as old as Fredericia itself. When Frederick III founded the town in the mid-1700s, it was with plans for canals instead of streets. However, Denmark's poor economy meant that Frederik III never achieved this vision, and it wasn't until 2014 that the vision became a reality when ground was broken for the first canal, known as Frederik's Kanal.

Looking for parking in Fredericia? See the locations of free and paid parking in Fredericia.


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