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Biketour, Vejen Askov Sønderskov

A 17, 5km biking-route, which leads you through the cultural landscape between Vejen and Brørup. 

The route provides an insight in the influence the folk school in Askov have had on the area. The route leads past Sønderskov hovedgård and the watermill and has a detour to Folding church. The route starts at Vejen sports center, where there is a parking opportunity. The route is relatively flat and there is several break opportunities along the way.


- Askov Church
- Poul la Cour Museum
- Sønderskov Watermill (under construction after a fire)
- Sønderskov Hovedgård with local museum for Vejen municipality
- Folding Church
- Maltbæk bog with findings from the Bronze Age
- Ladelund Boarding School
- Malt Church and the old Malt rectory
- Askov Folk High School

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