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Bjerrebygaard Long dolmen

Due to its location, visible from route 305 between Simmerbølle and Tullebølle, this ancient monument is one of Langeland's most visited.

The two chambers on the mound under the trees certainly also resemble the iconic shape of the Danish dolmen. On hot summer days you can search into the cooling shade of the trees, in the winter you can look at the bare lines of the stones and trees in the landscape. The original extent of the long dolmen is not possible to say anything definite about, as no curb stones have been registered.

The stones that lie on the edge of the current mound, it is not possible to place in the construction of the long dolmen with any certainty. Worth noting here are some small, round depressions on the surface of the northeast chamber chamber. These are so-called bowl signs or bowl pits. They date from the Bronze Age and have - it is assumed - had a function in religious rituals or ceremonies. They were probably thus applied to the stones about 2,000 years after the dolmen was built in the Neolithic. No archaeological excavations of chambers or mounds have been carried out

(Source: "Fortidsminder på Langeland", Langelands Museum)

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