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"De fire verdenshjørner" (The four points of the compass), Alfio Bonanno

"De fire verdenshjørner" (The four points of the compass) is an artwork created by Land Art artist Alfio Bonanno.

"De fire verdenshjørner" (The four points of the compass)

  • Artist: Alfio Bonanno
  • Created: 1987

About the work

When you stand at the center of this work you can, with help of the four stone stelae, orientate yourself towards all four points of the compass; north, south, east and west. The stelae are high and have spheical holes at eye level. Under each apparture a metal letter marks which direction the stone is aligned to. Between the stones is a circular area paved with red stones. 

The harbour master asked Alfio Bonanno if he could create a work that represented the four points of the compass, and this artwork is the result. In this work Alfio makes the abstract become concrete, visulalizing our concept of what a sense of diretion means. 

The stones were found on the Danish island of Bornholm, making the holes and the actual shaping of the stones was done out by the sculptor Søren West.

Alfio Bonanno

Alfio Bonanno is a pioneer within the field of Land-Art in Denmark, he is also the man resposible for the art park TICKON - Tranekær International Center for Art and Nature, where visiters can explore Land Art created by both Danish and Inernational artists.

Bonanno was born in Sicily and was raised in both Australia and Italy, but since 1975 he has made his home on Langeland. He is well known both at home and abroad for his work in the Land Art genre, and he has made a significant contribution to artistic life on Langeland.

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