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Denmark’s longest dike

There are plenty of opportunities for unique and fascinating experiences by the water along Denmark’s longest dike.

Bring your bike – and your hiking shoes!

The Lolland dyke is Denmark’s longest dike and coastal protection project. The dike itself is 63 km long and protects the coastal area from Nakskov in the west to Keldskov in the east. After the worst storm surge of the century in 1872 that flooded a third of Lolland, the construction of the dike began in 1874 and took until 1877.

In addition to protecting the coast, the dike offers many opportunities for fantastic experiences in nature, such as walking alongside the coastline. Some of the national cycling routes also pass through this area, making the beautiful landscape highly suitable for cycling, as well as hiking.

Be inspired and impressed by one fascinating view after another. Experience the islands of the fjord and the concomitant bays, coves, and afforested headlands. Enjoy the vastness of the Baltic Sea and the beautiful beaches that stretch alongside it.

See the many cycling and hiking routes in the area in the ‘Naturlandet’ app.

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