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Family-friendly nature festival: Bring the family to Fjord Day at Klintebjerg!

Are your kids adventurous and curious? Then take them to Fjord Day at Klintebjerg on 2nd Sunday in Sptember! For a day filled with exciting activities for both young and old.

  • Pack some snacks and something to drink. You can of course also bring a delicious lunch box.
  • Leave home early. This will save you stress and allow you to enjoy the day in a relaxed way.
  • It's also possible to buy food on the event square
  • Park at Klintebjerg Harbor and take part in the outdoor family festival.
  • Fjord Day takes place outdoors on the lawn, at the harbor and on the beach. So remember to wear comfortable clothes.

More than 50 activities

Grab your sense of adventure! Children can meet the fun mascot Teodor the Tern and try their hand at the scouts' carousel. They can also look at plants and small animals in aquariums, build an insect hotel, and learn how to light a fire like a real wild man!

Boat trip to the bird island Vigelsø! Take the whole family on a boat trip with Lunden to the exciting uninhabited island Vigelsø. Here you can meet the nature guides who will tell you about nature and how you can explore the exciting wildlife.

Delicious food and drinks! There is an opportunity to buy delicious food and drinks on site. You can also pack your lunch boxes and eat them in the beautiful surroundings.

Something for everyone! Whether you are interested in nature, animals, history or just a cozy day together, there is guaranteed something for everyone at Fjord Day. Even dads can join in - they can greet the dram club and taste this year's dram!

See you at Fjord Day!

PS: The event is free.


The full programme with a map can be found at skibhusgaarden.dk/fjordensdag

Practical info


Parking is available at Klintebjerg 182, 5400 Otterup. Please follow the signs.


Several toilets can be found on the site during the event.

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