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The forest Vesterskov by Silkeborg

The forest Silkeborg Vesterskov stretches like an impressive natural treasure south of Silkeborg, framed by Almindsø, Thorsø and Ørnsø. This vast forest area, covering 684 hectares, is not just a state forest; it's a living symphony of mixed deciduous and coniferous trees, including majestic Douglas fir, nobilis and Sitka spruce.

Frederik the VII Høj

Rising majestically 120 metres above sea level, Frederik the VII High offers a breathtaking panoramic view of Funder Ådal. Follow the paths through Vesterskoven, experience the newly opened cultural-historical story about the footsteps of the past and immerse yourself in the subtleties of nature.

Vesteskoven forms the backdrop for the Blue Hiking Route, an 8 km long trail that takes you through varied landscapes - from dense Old Norse arable forests to open, expansive areas. The highlight is of course Fr. VII Høj, which rises dramatically in the landscape surrounded by steep slopes and deep ravines.

The knags and old Douglas fir trees

In the heart of Silkeborg Vesterskov you will find Knagerne, a treasure of old-growth forest, preserved as untouched forest for almost 250 years. Here you can experience nature's own rhythm, where concepts such as unspoilt forest, biodiversity forest, climate forest and close-to-nature forestry are clearly visible. An experience suitable for both nature lovers and curious children. Walk, explore and immerse yourself in the authentic beauty of nature with some of Denmark's tallest trees.

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