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Gærup School Museum
Gærup School Museum
Gærup School Museum was started in 1975 in association with the Museum of the Diocese of Fünen (Fyns Stiftsmuseum), which gladly handed over a collection of effects, along with several posters from an exhibition at Fyns Stiftsmuseum. These items originally came from Gærup School.
The one-room school consisted of a rectangular classroom, 35 sq. meters in area, but due to various practical considerations, it has only been possible to set up a part of the original schoolroom.
Gærup School Museum was started in 1975 in association with the Museum of the Diocese of Fünen (Fyns Stiftsmuseum), which gladly handed over a collection of effects, along with several posters from an exhibition at Fyns Stiftsmuseum. These items originally came from Gærup School.
The one-room school consisted of a rectangular classroom, 35 sq. meters in area, but due to various practical considerations, it has only been possible to set up a part of the original schoolroom.