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Guided tours at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation

Go behind the scenes at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation or at the Concert House on guided tours

At Amager in the southern part of Copenhagen lies DR Byen, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation. You can get a peek into the biggest media house in Denmark and explore the everyday life behind all the tv and radio productions.

You can also take the guided tour at one of the world's most beautiful concert houses - one of Denmark's biggest media and culture houses. Visit the unique building, the magnificent concert hall and gain insight to the architect Jean Nouvel's ideas and visions for the outstanding concert hall with room for 1800 people. At the Concert House the aesthetics and the acoustics goes hand in hand.

These two guided tours can be in English, if you book a group tour. Groups can be up to 25 or 30 people and you can send a request through their website. You meet at the reception, and the tour will take around 75 minutes.

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