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Helene Fruelund organizes guided nature hikes on the Juelsminde Peninsula and by Vejle Fjord. Both day trips and overnight tours are offered, allowing you to get out into nature and out of your comfort zone with good company and a skilled guide.

Your guide to nature

Helene Fruelund lives in Stouby on the northern side of Vejle Fjord, surrounded by beautiful forests, hills, beaches, and nature as far as the eye can see. It is no coincidence that she chose to settle here, as nature has always been a central element in her life, something she quickly seeks out in her free time and on vacations. Helene Fruelund does not claim to be an expert in outdoor life – she is in many ways like many of us who love nature and naturally spend time in it, accustomed to using nature’s many features – knowledge that she gladly shares with others. She does this both through guided tours and as a writer on her own site. And she knows the beautiful nature north of Vejle Fjord like the back of her hand.

On a guided tour with Helene Fruelund, you can expect good company, great nature experiences, and a guide who can naturally lead you well through the experience.


Guided hiking tours for groups

Helene Fruelund organizes scheduled hiking tours, where anyone can join – as an individual or a group. Some tours are day hikes, while others include overnight stays in shelters, hammocks, or similar, as well as cooking. On these tours, you have the opportunity to share the experience and fresh air with other like-minded people and meet new faces. Helene Fruelund takes care of all the practicalities and informs you about what to bring, where to meet, etc.

On this site, you can read more about the hiking tours and see upcoming tours.

Groups also have the option to book Helene Fruelund for a tour at any time. The tours can be designed according to your needs. Contact Helene Fruelund by phone or email to learn more about the possibilities.


Follow HeleneforNord on social media

Helene Fruelund is active on Facebook and Instagram, where she shares information about her nature experiences, guided hikes, and upcoming tours you can join.

The website helenefornord.dk functions as a blog, where you can follow Helene’s journeys and read about her outdoor experiences.

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