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Kerteminde Church

Kerteminde Church

You find the Sct. Laurentius Church in the middle of the market place in Kerteminde. The church is a three-aisled long-house linked under one enormous roof. Traditionally said to have been built in 1476.

The chuch was greatly altered in the 1600'es, when a vault was added and the furnishing was renewed. In the south chancel there is a chapel for the Iuel family, abouve which there are memory tablets for two of the parsons of the church. You find a pair of riding boots and a sword dated from the time of the Swedish Wars.

Opening hours at Kerteminde Church

From April 1st – October 31st

Tuesday – Saturday – 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sunday – Closes after the service

From November 1st – March 31st

Tuesday – Saturday – 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Sunday – Closes after the service

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