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Kite Building | Club Fanø

Wood, paper and a string. That's all it takes to build a kite. It is a nice and relaxing way to be in nature. And there is nothing like flying a kite that you have made yourself.

Fanø is a really good place to fly kites. The beach is so big that it is easy to find a place to fly the kite without disturbing others.

It's not just fun to build and fly kites. It's great to experience that something we've made ourselves works, and we really get to feel the power of the wind.

We build a very simple kite, but it flies well and is easy to control. It is primarily about decorating the kite. When you have finished decorating the canvas, we will help you attach the pegs, lines and handles. Then the kite is ready to fly.

Everyone can join in and even children from the age of 4 can get something out of building a kite together with parents and siblings. The event lasts approx. 1 hour

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