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Lej en havkajak

Rent a sea kayak at Gåsevig Strand Camping south of Haderslev.

Rent or store your own kayak in a locked container

When the sea calms down in spring and summer, there are excellent conditions for kayaking. Here you have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful nature along the coast, where the tour can go into the bay or around Kalvø – something that just has to be experienced.

Outdoorsport has chosen Gåsevig Strand Camping as the best place to hold their courses.

They have the highest attendance here because the conditions are optimal, with good facilities at the campsite and accommodation options in either cabins, tents, or your own caravan. There are washing and storage areas for kayaks very close to the water.

Kayaks are rented directly from the site in collaboration with Outdoorsport.

There is also the possibility to store your own kayak all year round, so you don't have to spend time and effort every time you want to go out.

Read more about Outdoorsport here.

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