Marslev Church
Marslev Church
Welcome to Marslev Church - an atmospheric church near Kerteminde built in late Gothic style
Marslev Church is a road church. This means that it is open to all visitors during the day. You are welcome to sit down for a moment in thought or prayer.
Do you feel sadness, joy, worry or gratitude? Then switch on a candle in our globe of light. Taking a candle is free. However, a few kroner in the church treasury will be gratefully received by the organizations whose work the church supports.
Follow us on FaceBook: Marslev-Birkende pastorate or see events etc. at www.marslev-birkende.dk
The church office's email address is: MIG@km.dk
More about Marslev Church
The current Late Gothic monk's stone building dates from the early 16th century, but a number of Romanesque plinth squares reveal that an older church probably stood on the same site, and it would be reasonable to guess that it was built during the great church building period in Denmark, 12th century.
If you move up towards the church, you approach the porch, the church's entrance in the south, whose gable is provided with North Funen blinds, squares and stair windows.
Above the sandstone font hangs the church ship "Anna", a three-masted full-rigger from around 1930, built by the "Illemose tailor" Anders Madsen from Rynkeby, whose ships are known for their highly naïve style. The ship was hung in the church's tower room in the 1930s. After that it lay for a long time in the attic of the church, from where it was brought up again and hung in its present place in the porch.
The chancel is a so-called nave choir with a rougher vault, which around 1590 was higher than the nave, but which at this time gained the same height.