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Murder Mystery Hunt In Viborg

Bring your family on an exciting murder mystery hunt in Viborg packed with mystery and secrets. Come on a journey back in time to an extremely dramatic chapter in Danish national history. And you will see Danish national history from a new, entertaining and playful angle, when the true murderer is revealed.

The Last Regicide

On Saint Cecilia night in 1286, the Danish King Erik V Klipping was brutally assassinated. It all happened in Finderup just south of Viborg, and later on, Stig Andersen Hvide, known in Denmark as Marsk Stig, along with eight other noblemen were convicted of the crime. But were they in fact the killers? The answer lies in Viborg’s Cathedral quarter.

During this hunt, you have to be brave, creative, and not least be amazing at heroic deeds.

Crack the Codes and Discover Clues

The murder mystery hunt begins in front of the old High Court building at Stænderpladsen square in Viborg. Here, you will be provided with the necessary information and equipment for the hunt. From there on, it is up to you to crack codes, locate hidden clues, and work together as a family, as you work your way through Viborg’s beautiful Cathedral quarter.

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