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Nysted Bakery

The Jürs family welcomes you to their small bakery in Nysted.

For almost 25 years, Nysted Bakery has been located in Adelgade, just a 10-minute walk from the harbour. Here you can buy delicious baked goods, homemade ice cream and healthy snacks.

The family's passion for baked goods has also resulted in awards! For the second year in a row, Andreas was able to take home a medal in the competition Denmark's Best Bread and Cakes 2023. The silver went to his Skanse Rye Bread in 2023, and in 2022, the special bread Rex got gold.

In addition to baked goods, the family-run bakery also offers homemade jams, and good coffee from their gourmet coffee machine.


For opening hours, check the website

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