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The path around Ølgod

In Ølgod, a lovely route of 9 kilometres has been built around the city. The path is in good condition and most of it is paved with asphalt, the rest with gravel and stone dust. Whether you want to run or walk, cycle or stroll with the pram, the path around Ølgod town is the perfect place for it.

In the northern part of the route you will find Ølgod Byskov. Go on a historical adventure and get a cultural look back at great Danish poets in Hanssinelund. In the northernmost part of Ølgod Byskov, you can let the four-legged friends off the leash in the dog forest.

On the southern part of the route you will find the scenic area at Søparken. You can visit three different lakes, Guldsmedesøen, Engsøen and Svanesøen. You have the chance of a very special experience at Guldsmedesøen, where the rare and §4 protected mosaic goldsmith lives. From this lake, the path continues under the railway along the stream, to Engsøen and Svanesøen, where the swans breed.

We recommend parking at Torvet in Ølgod, and start your tour from there.

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