Stovby Mill
On the idyllic south coast of Falster, near the lively holiday resort of Marielyst, stands the proud Stouby Mill. The unique stump mill was originally built in 1790 and has been lovingly restored several times.
A stub mill is a mill where the entire housing is turned by the wind. However, Stouby Mølle differs from other Danish stub mills in its unique design. It is the only one of its kind in Denmark that is powered by a star wheel, which efficiently drives three grinders.
In addition to the exciting history and unique technology, Stouby Mill also offers a number of other experiences. In the mill shop you can buy coffee, water, ice cream, locally produced specialities and handicrafts.
The mill is open to visitors during the summer months, where you can enjoy a cup of coffee with a view of the beautiful landscape.
Stouby Mill is usually open to visitors from Danish Mill Day in mid-June until the last Friday in August.
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