Sværdborg church
Sværdborg Kirke has a Roman ship and a Roman choir, to which 3 lategothical additions are added, namely a doubling chapel on the north side of the ship, a vestry at the choir and a west tower. The vault of the church is so full of frescos from the time of the 1500 century that the church must be counted for one of the most tight painted of this period, here you rightly can speak about horror vacui speak - "fright of the empty".
The curvature triangle of the choir in the east shows the judging Christ, who is flanked by 2 saints. They pray for the sinful mankind on the day of the judgement. In the other 3 triangles the childhood of Christ is seen described. We continue to the ship where the vault nearest the choir elbow shows the Passion. Among other things you can see the arrest of Christ and if you look carefully you see a red mark at the left side of Jesus. It is probably the blood from the ear that the roemerischen soldier Malkus lost when one of Jesus's companions chopped it off.