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In the area around Vitsø there are beach meadows, water holes and bird life with lots of geese and ducks.

Vitsø was originally a fjord with salt marshes at the edge, which had a direct connection to the sea.

The area was drained for many years by means of embankment, and when the land began to be cultivated, many of the rare meadow plants disappeared.

In 2009, the drainage of the area was stopped, and Vitsø became a continuous nature area of ​​150 hectares with a new large lake surrounded by salt marshes and fresh meadows.

In the lake, three bird islands have been created to protect breeding birds from predators and Vitsø now serves as the last stop in Denmark for many migratory birds before the trip goes south. Greylag geese, ducks and waders breed here and you may also be lucky enough to see the viper flapping across the meadow.

From the car park at Søbygaard and the car park in Vorbjerg Skov you can follow paths around the lake. Some of them are part of the continuous path system, Øhavsstien, which is clearly marked with blue signs on wooden poles.

Ærø is part of Geopark The South Funen Archipelago and Vitsø is one of nine localities with geological value on Ærø. Read more about the Geopark and Ærø.

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