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Wader watching

Join us on a wading bird trip! The tour starts with a presentation in the WaddenSea Center, of birds, that we hope to see. Hereafter we drive to one of the Locks with telescopes and binoculars. Hopefully we will see a wide selection of wading birds.

We start out at the Wadden Sea Center with a short introduction to the birds we expect to see. Afterwards we drive in our own cars from the Wadden Sea Center to one of the locks in the Wadden Sea where we wait for the rising tide to concentrate the waders in front of us. We bring along binoculars and telescopes, which gives us the opportunity to study several species of waders that refuel in the Wadden Sea on the way to the breeding sites farther north. There is also a chance that we encounter different species of ducks, geese and birds of prey along the way. 


Potential wader species: European Oystercatcher, Pied Avocet, Common Ringed Plover, Grey Plover, European Golden Plover, Northern Lapwing, Red Knot, Sanderling, Ruddy Turnstone, Dunlin, Curlew Sandpiper, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Temminck’s Stint, Little Stint, Common Sandpiper, Common Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Common Greenshank, Bar-tailed Godwit, Eurasian Curlew and Eurasian Whimbrel. 


Duration: approx. 3 hours. 


Note: The tour requires that you drive in your own vehicle. 


Recommended age: From 14 years and older

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